I recently shot engagement photos of Sarah and Will. They are lovely people and I can't wait to shoot their wedding! I just wanted to share some of favorite shots from our day. We first took a few with their dog Mia before heading to the beautiful Kubota Gardens.
I love this shot. I can't wait to shoot Sarah here in her wedding dress!
Then we headed to West Seattle for some city beach shots. So cute.
For me a weekend in Wenatchee usually means I'll be getting back to my Eastern Washington roots. This time I definitely went exploring. Blaring the country music, my friends and I piled in the truck and drove up some mountains. We ended at Sugarloaf lookout- an incredible 360 degree view surrounded by burnt trees.
While we were there a ranger was one the phone with firefighters preparing to distinguish a fire caused by lightning. It was an eerie place full of majestic beauty.
Next we hiked to a small alpine lake and went fishin'. Nick caught 3 cutthroats in 10 minutes (once he got the right fly on)! The water was a beautiful green and the fish a bright red.
Naturally, the next thing to do in the country is shoot guns. A 12 gage in hand, we aimed at clay pigeons hurling over the view of the Wenatchee valley. Shells flew, people hollered and pigeons exploded. So after a weekend of being hicks, we headed back to the city. But not before seeing this:
... The big city was fabulous as always. I was there for my friend Lizzie's wedding. It was fun to shoot a wedding within the bustle of the city crossing town in a limo and hurrying through Central Park. It was a beautiful day and she looked amazing!
When I wasn't partaking in the festivities I enjoyed walking the city with my camera...
(amazing Cuban restaurant in SoHo)
... And bouldering in Central Park with my friend Joel...
The city with it's lights, late nights, art and people are always inspiring and I can't wait to go back!
What's better than stressing about the economy? Traveling of course! I've gotten to take two little trips lately that were both wonderful. They couldn't have been more different. First I spent three days climbing in beautiful Canada before flying out to New York City for a week. It was my first time to Squamish and it was very nice of Phil to show me around and take me climbing. Here is 'The Chief', one of the largest granite rocks in Canada (surrounded by kite boarders taking advantage of a town named 'mother of wind') :
We hiked to top of him for an incredible view of the area:
Then naturally, we climbed him. All 700 meters of him. In 15 pitches. It was amazing. I learned how to slab climb, multi-pitch, wrap down and much more. I now want a t-shirt saying, 'I heart slab'. My last climb of the trip I anchored myself at the top so I could photograph Phil climbing it.
The weather was perfect and I highly enjoyed relaxing and pushing my body while soaking up the wilderness. Then I jumped on a plane to soak up the concrete jungle...