Thursday, January 4, 2018

2017's Holiday Card

As you probably know, I decided to start creating a fun holiday card with my cat Goose 5 years ago. I wanted it to reflect my personality and activities I like to do as well as be funny and show some photography and photoshop skill. Here are past cards:

This year was a bit different as injuries prevented me from doing a lot of the activities I enjoy. Goose also has arthritis in one of his paws. :( So I reflected our year accurately, showing the many frustrations 2017 brought with it:

I had a lot of fun creating this card and kept going with photoshop until it was perfect. Here's the original shot:

Mostly I cleaned things up, put Trump on TV and added some contrast. Changing the wall color was a last second idea that I think really made the photo. I'm most proud of googling the monitoring machines and 'turning them on'. I even gave myself high blood pressure and a high heart rate. Then I had to add Goose. Here's his original shot and then him cut out and hissing:

Who knows what we'll get up to next year. Here's to 2018, Happy New Year! 

-Tegra & Goose